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Student Registration Form

Registering your student for The 21 Gaps Program is easy!

It takes just two steps:

Step 1:

Fill out and submit the form below to let Better Than Yesterday know your student is attending.  Click "Send" when you're finished.

  • The 21 Gaps Program is Aug. 20-24, 2018, 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., at the Linden Multi Purpose Center, 1025 John St., Linden, NJ.

  • It's open to students entering grades 8 to 11.

Step 2:

Click on The 21 Gaps registration form to the right, print, fill it out, and follow the mail-in instructions on the form, being sure to include your $25 participation donation:

That's all it takes to register!

Student's Name *

Student's Age *

Parent/Guardian's Name *

Parent/Guardian's Email *

Parent/Guardian Phone No. *


Thanks! Your message has been sent and 21 Gaps will respond to you shortly. The next step is to print out the registration form, fill it out, and bring it with you on the first day of classes.

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